Yu-Gi-Oh Planet's

Posts written by Rhok Green

  1. .
    CITAZIONE (- Kappa - @ 10/5/2016, 17:52) 
    Usando solo le carte che hai elencato non è che lo si possa migliorare di molto :

    Main Deck: [40]

    Monsters: [20]

    Jurrac Herra
    Jurrac Velo x3
    Jurrac Iguanon ---> Via
    Jurrac Guaiba x3
    Hydrogeddon x3
    Jurrac Dino x3
    Jurrac Ptera x3
    Jurrac Aeolo x3

    +1 Jurrac Gallim

    Spells: [16] ---> 12

    Mind Control
    Fossil Dig
    Dark Hole
    Galaxy Cyclone x2
    Forbidden Lance x3 ---> -1
    Shrink x2 ---> +1
    Circle of the Fire King x2 ---> Via
    Forbidden Garment x3
    ---> Via
    +1 Book of Moon

    Traps: [4] ---> 8

    Mirror Force x2
    Dimensional Prison x2

    +3 Survival of the Fittest
    +1 Bottomless Trap Hole

    Extra Deck: [15]

    Jurrac Meteor
    Stardust Dragon
    Dark Strike Fighter
    Black Rose Dragon
    Jurrac Giganoto x3
    Ally of Justice Catastor
    Jurrac Velphito

    Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
    Number 11: Big Eye
    Evolzar Laggia x2
    Evolzar Dolkka
    Number 101: Silent Honor Ark

    Per renderlo un minimo competitivo dovresti aggiungere altre carte :

    Main Deck : |40|

    Monsters : |20|

    |3| - Jurrac Guaiba
    |3| - Jurrac Aeolo
    |3| - Jurrac Velo
    |2| - Jurrac Dino
    |1| - Jurrac Gallim
    |3| - Hydrogeddon
    |2| - Maxx "C"
    |1| - Super-Ancient Dinobeast
    |1| - Black Brachios
    |1| - Kinka-byo

    Spells : |14|

    |3| - Fossil Dig
    |2| - Instant Fusion
    |2| - Twin Twisters
    |2| - Shrink
    |1| - Upstart Goblin
    |1| - Soul Charge
    |1| - One for One
    |1| - Rekindling
    |1| - Raigeki

    Traps : |6|

    |2| - Survival of the Fittest
    |2| - Call of the Haunted
    |1| - Bottomless Trap Hole
    |1| - Solemn Warning

    Extra Deck : |15|

    |1| - Thousand-Eyes Restrict
    |1| - Elder Entity Norden

    |1| - Jurrac Giganoto
    |1| - Jurrac Velphito
    |1| - Jurrac Meteor
    |1| - Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
    |1| - Black Rose Moonlight Dragon
    |1| - Ally of Justice Catastor
    |1| - Black Rose Dragon
    |1| - Formula Synchron

    |1| - Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
    |1| - Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
    |1| - Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
    |1| - Evolzar Dolkka
    |1| - Evolzar Laggia

    Grazie tantissimo, proverò entrambi i tipi :)
  2. .
  3. .
    Salve, volevo un fix per questo deck Jurrac, per renderlo più competitivo possibile, utilizzando SOLO le carte che sono in lista qui sotto:
    Tutti i mostri Jurrac che volete
    Book of Moon - Forbidden Chalice x3 - Shrink x3
    Royal Decree x3 - Breakthrough Skill x3 - Fight per Survival x3 - Bottomless Trap Hole - Fiendish Chain

    Monsters: [20]
    Jurrac Herra
    Jurrac Velo x3
    Jurrac Iguanon
    Jurrac Guaiba x3
    Hydrogeddon x3
    Jurrac Dino x3
    Jurrac Ptera x3
    Jurrac Aeolo x3

    Spells: [16]
    Mind Control
    Fossil Dig
    Dark Hole
    Galaxy Cyclone x2
    Forbidden Lance x3
    Shrink x2
    Circle of the Fire King x2
    Forbidden Garment x3

    Traps: [4]
    Mirror Force x2
    Dimensional Prison x2

    Extra Deck
    Jurrac Meteor
    Stardust Dragon
    Dark Strike Fighter
    Black Rose Dragon
    Jurrac Giganoto x3
    Ally of Justice Catastor
    Jurrac Velphito

    Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
    Number 11: Big Eye
    Evolzar Laggia x2
    Evolzar Dolkka
    Number 101: Silent Honor Ark
  4. .
  5. .
  6. .
    Ho appena letto la banned list di luglio, e c'è gola drago a +2. Si potrebbe inserire in qualche modo così da renderlo più drago possibile il deck?
  7. .
  8. .
    Salve, volevo consigli su come migliorare questa versione 6-Axis del Chaos Dragon. Senza eccessivi stravolgimenti.
    Grazie :)

    DECK : 40 CARTE
    Monsters: [30]
    x1 Labradorite Dragon
    x1 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
    x1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
    x1 Dark Armed Dragon
    x2 Tragoedia
    x2 Chaos Sorcerer
    x3 Lightpulsar Dragon
    x1 Caius the Shadow Monarch
    x3 Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
    x3 Destiny Hero - Malicious
    x2 Black Dragon Collapserpent
    x2 White Dragon Wyverbuster
    x3 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
    x1 Eclipse Wyvern
    x2 Card Trooper
    x2 Plaguespreader Zombie

    Spells: [8]
    x1 Charge of the Light Brigade
    x1 Allure of Darkness
    x1 Snatch Steal
    x1 Raigeki
    x2 Hieratic Seal of Convocation
    x2 Mystical Space Typhoon

    Traps: [2]
    x2 Breakthrough Skill

    Extra Deck
    x1 Ultimaya Tzol'kin
    x1 Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree
    x1 Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons
    x1 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
    x1 Scrap Dragon
    x1 Stardust Spark Dragon
    x1 Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
    x1 Goyo Guardian
    x1 Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
    x1 Number 39: Utopia Beyond
    x1 Constellar Ptolemy M7
    x1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
    x1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
    x1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
    x1 Lavalval Chain
  9. .
  10. .
  11. .
    Volevo provare questa versione del Chaos Dragon. Non sembra girare male. Ma vorrei perfezionarlo col vostro aiuto. Grazie :)

    PS. Niente tragoedia (se possibile) o card trooper.

    DECK : 41 CARTE
    Monsters: [31]
    1x red-eyes darkness metal dragon
    1x black luster soldier - envoy of the beginning
    1x dark armed dragon
    3x lightpulsar dragon
    2x chaos sorcerer
    1x darkflare dragon
    2x black dragon collapserpent
    2x white dragon wyverburster
    3x raiden, hand of the lightsworm
    3x lyla, lightsworn sorceress
    1x eclypse wyvern
    1x honest
    2x kuribandit
    3x tour guide from the underworld
    3x scarm, malebranche of the burning abyss
    2x plaguespreader zombie

    Spells: [5]
    2x solar recharge
    1x charge of the light brigade
    2x mystical space typhoon

    Traps: [5]
    1x bottomless trap hole
    1x torrential tribute
    2x breakthrough skill
    1x solemn warning

    Extra Deck
    Ho già tutto quello che mi occorre.
  12. .
  13. .
    CITAZIONE (pein_perversus @ 13/1/2015, 18:36) 
    puoi fare anche -1 diablos + 1 garoth.

    Non mi convince molto aggiungere un altro garoth...
  14. .
    CITAZIONE (pein_perversus @ 13/1/2015, 12:45) 
    io nel mio ls gioco 1 felis e 1 wulf. magari fai anche -1 minerva +1 honest

    Uhm... mi posti il tuo tanto per farmi un'idea?
  15. .
    CITAZIONE (pein_perversus @ 13/1/2015, 12:38) 
    la felis no? poi metti 2 honest

    Honest a 2 potrebbe andare. Felis a 1 o a 2?
237 replies since 21/1/2007