Yu-Gi-Oh Planet's

Votes taken by Z e r o~

  1. .

    Monster : [30]

    3x Overdrive teleporter
    3x Risebell The Star Adjuster
    2x Dragunity Dux
    1x Dragunity Phalanx
    1x Harpie Harpist
    3x Primitive Butterfly
    3 Destiny Hero-Malicious
    1x Gusto Griffin
    1x windaar, Sage of Gusto
    1x Carboneddon
    1x Wattail Dragon
    1x Galaxy Serpent
    1x Gem-knight Garnet
    1x Flabed Soulkius
    1x Shaddoll Dragon
    1x Blackwing- Zephyros The Elite
    2x Farfa, Malebranche of Burning Abyss
    3x Volcanic Scattershot

    Spell : [15]
    3x Brilliant Fusion
    2x Dragon Ravine
    3x terraforming
    3x Instant Fusion
    1x Foolish Burial
    1x Soul Charge
    2x Emergency Teleport

    Trap : [1]
    Blaze Accelerator Reoad

    Extra deck: [15]

    3x Beatrice LAdy of The Eternal
    1x Photon Strike Bounzer
    1x Abyss Dweller

    1x Dragunity Knight- Gae dearg
    2x Dragunity Knight- Vajrayana
    1x Dewloren, Tiger king of ice Barrier
    1x Stardust charge warrior
    1x Virgil, Rockstar of Burning abyss
    1x PSY-Framelord Omega
    1x Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon

  2. .
    Bellissimo :woot:
    Grazie mille
  3. .
    Gli infernity che sono basati alcuni su dei cowboy e altri sui nativi americani
  4. .
    Insight non lo potete giocare perché è una v jump promotional card
4 replies since 13/9/2015